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PCI Compliance Consulting Services Granby , CT

PCI Compliance –  How Does it Affect Your Business?

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards require businesses to adopt strict security standards when handling confidential and sensitive financial data, such as credit card information.


Being compliant includes securing your customers’ sensitive financial information and providing a secure payment facility.


Failure to maintain PCI Compliance puts your company at risk of fines,  permanent expulsion from card acceptance programs, and reputational consequences associated with data breach.

Helping Your Business Become PCI Compliant

Netlogix can help your company remove the risk of fines and penalties, and provide a secure payment environment for your customers. We provide PCI compliance support and consulting services in Granby , CT. Our expert PCI compliance consultants adopt a comprehensive approach to PCI compliance to ensure risk-reduction for your company.

Our PCI compliance services include:

  • Initial Compliance Analysis
  • Network Vulnerability Scans
  • Penetration Testing
  • Onsite Audit and Assessments
  • PCI 1-2-3
  • Consultancy
  • Remediation Services

It is not only important to be PCI Compliant, it’s the law. Get insider tips on how to reduce number of controls required, while simplifying auditing and management.

Protecting your customers’ sensitive financial information equals protecting your business. Contact us today to see how you can leverage Netlogix’s experience with PCI Compliance.